Giza Culture Palace

Mission Statement
The General Authority for Cultural Palaces is the body that guarantees to Egyptians since its establishment as a “popular university” in 1945 AD, by decision of Abd al-Raziq al-Sanhouri, Minister of Public Education No. 6545 in Cairo, to spread culture among the classes of the people. Jamahiriya" and activated the cultural movement in the governorates, fueling the spirit of research and innovation, adopting innovative ideas, and encouraging free studies, even after the issuance of Republican Decree No. 63 of 1989 AD to transform it into a public body of a special nature and its name became the General Authority for Cultural Palaces; The authority completed its letter as follows: * In the field of theatre: attention is given to spreading theatrical culture among the masses and artistic supervision of theatrical activity in the governorates. * In the field of music: raising the level of taste among the masses and nurturing talents in the governorates * In the field of folk arts and environmental crafts: studying folk art with its wide meaning of literature, decorative folklore, folk industrial arts, singing, dancing and music in every environment, and technical supervision of folk arts groups in the governorates * In the field of cinematic culture: preparing scientific and artistic studies on cinema, publishing an annual guide, books, pamphlets and magazines on cinematic culture, holding festivals, competitions and film weeks, supervising cinema clubs in the governorates, producing documentaries and children’s films with the aim of public education. * In the field of plastic arts: revitalizing the plastic arts movement in the governorates through ceremonies, exhibitions and seminars, and discovering and nurturing talented people. * In the field of libraries: raising the level of library services in culture centers and their subsidiary libraries by providing them with books and facilitating access to the masses. * In the field of cultural assistance: providing financial, literary and artistic assistance to cultural associations * In the field of village culture: conducting field research, cultural survey and experiments with the aim of reaching the most appropriate forms of cultural services that must be provided to the Egyptian village. * In the field of child culture: conducting studies and field research on the cultural and artistic needs of the child, developing his artistic and scientific skills, discovering and nurturing his talents, encouraging him to read, research, practice various arts, and provide the capabilities and cadres to help refine and sustain them. * In the field of labor culture: conducting studies and technical research in the fields of labor culture. * In the field of women's culture: providing opportunities for cultural and artistic development for women. * In the field of training and exchange of experiences: raising the level of performance of the Authority's employees, holding specialized training and qualification courses in the fields of mass culture in the Arab world, and working on exchanging experiences at the local and Arab levels.